Time is money for every business owner, so let’s see if we can save you some time by answering your questions immediately.

I want more people to know about my business; what should I do?

It depends on how much time you have, which skills you have and how big a marketing budget you have.

I would recommend that you begin by finding out where your ideal customers are online. Next, you need a plan and a strategy for how you can best reach them. I will be happy to help you with this.

Afterwards, we need to collect data, test different initiatives, analyse the data, adapt the strategy and optimise accordingly. It is decisive to be consistent with your digital marketing initiatives, whether it is organic social media marketing, advertisement on Google, newsletters, blogs or something else.

I want to spend less time on marketing, but still achieve good results. What can I do?

Streamlining your marketing efforts while maintaining or even increasing results is entirely possible. It starts with strategic planning and clearly denfining your target audience while prioritising channels that offer the best return on investment. A solid plan ensures you’re not spreading yourself too thin and are focusing on what truly matters.

Next, outsourcing or delegating will also achieve above optimal results. Hiring a specialised digital marketing agency (like ours) can take a load off your shoulders. We bring very defined expertise, allowing you to achieve better results without investing more of your personal time.

By honing in on strategic planning and outsourcing, you can streamline your efforts for maximum impact with minimal time investment.


I want to promote my products/services, but I am not sure how or where I should start?

Promoting your products or services online needs a good strategy like everything else when it comes to marketing online.

Here is a simple roadmap we like to use when getting started:

First, we get to know your products or services as well as you do.

We begin by asking, what makes them special? Why should people care? This helps us explain your products or services in a way that gets people excited.

Next, we analyse your target audience, and get your products or service in front of the right people.

Think about who would love what you offer – these are your potential customers. You can use social media, your website, or even local events to tell everyone about it. Share pictures, videos, or stories that make your products or services look irresistible.

Incorporating free tips and tricks is also a good cornerstone in your online strategy. People like when you’re helpful, not just salesy. Share tips, tricks, or fun facts related to your products/services.

This builds trust and makes people more interested in what you offer.

Listening and chatting with customers – When people show interest or ask questions, we answer their questions and chat with them.

This is a wonderful way to find out if someone loves your services, ask them to spread the word. It’s like when you tell your friends about a great restaurant. Satisfied customers can be your best promoters.



Does Google Ads make sense for my business?

That’s a question many businesses grapple with. The suitability of Google Ads depends on your specific business goals, your target audience, and your budget. Here is a brief overview to guide your decision:

Business goals & target audience – If you’re looking to drive immediate traffic to your website or boost visibility for specific products/services, Google Ads can be an excellent tool. The platform allows for targeting based on keywords, location, interests, and more, ensuring you reach those most likely to be interested in what you offer.

Budget flexibility – Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This can be cost-effective, but it’s vital to set a budget that aligns with your business size and objectives. The platform’s flexibility lets you adjust campaigns based on performance and desired spend.

Competitive landscape – Research if competitors in your industry use Google Ads. If they do, it might indicate that it’s effective for your sector. On the flip side, if they don’t, it could be an opportunity for you to stand out.

Need for measurable results – One of Google Ads’ strengths are its analytics. If data-driven decisions are crucial for your business, the platform offers insights into click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI, among other metrics.

To determine if Google Ads is the right fit, consider booking a consultation with me. We can dive deeper into its potential benefits for your specific business scenario and ensure your investment leads to the best possible results.

Why do I need a social media strategy?

A social media strategy is essential for your online business for several compelling reasons:

1. Audience Engagement – Today’s consumers expect businesses to have a presence on social platforms. A strategy helps you consistently engage with your audience, fostering relationships and building trust.

2. Brand Visibility – Social media platforms amplify your brand’s visibility. With billions of users across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you have an unparalleled opportunity to showcase your products and services to a vast audience.

3. Drive Traffic – Strategically crafted posts and ads can direct significant traffic to your website. Social media becomes a funnel, guiding potential customers to your primary sales platform.

4. Feedback & Insight – Social media offers real-time feedback from your customers. Whether it’s comments on a post or direct messages, you gain valuable insights about your audience’s needs, preferences, and perceptions.

5. Cost-effective Marketing – While paid ads can be part of the mix, organic social media marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods, allowing for a better ROI.

6. Stay Competitive – Most of your competitors are likely on social media. Without a strategy, you risk falling behind and missing out on potential customers.

7. Crisis Management – If ever there’s a negative incident or PR crisis related to your business, having an active social media presence allows you to address issues promptly and transparently.

In essence, a social media strategy isn’t just about posting content; it’s a comprehensive plan to connect, engage, and grow your customer base. Without it, you’re missing out on the myriad benefits and opportunities that these platforms provide for your online business.

What is the difference between copywriting and creative copywriting?

Basically, a copywriter’s job is to provide words. However, a creative copywriter goes a step further, infusing those words with innovative ideas that supercharge the impact of communications, making them resonate with customers on a deeper level.

At its core, a copywriter does more than just put words on a page; they craft a compelling story that breathes life into what your business offers. A creative copywriter possesses the ability to conceptualise how to present a product or service in a way that’s truly captivating and imaginative.

A creative copywriter’s skill set lies in strategic thinking. It’s not just about providing information; it’s about doing so in a way that sparks genuine interest. Creative copywriting is a balance of writing and thinking, but with a twist of ingenuity.

This doesn’t mean deviating from the norm just for the sake of it – it’s a strategic choice. After all, we’re talking business here. Any uniqueness in an advertisement or a web page should mirror the distinctiveness of the product it represents.

A creative copywriter asks:

What sets the product apart? Why should someone choose it over similar products or services? Who is the intended audience? As a creative copywriter, these questions are a constant companion.

The pursuit of that Unique Selling Proposition (USP) never stops, whether through analysing the brief, engaging with account handlers, or consulting with clients.

What are the advantages of hiring a marketing and management consultant for your business?

Hiring a marketing and management consultant can bring many advantages to your business. Here’s how partnering with me at Erichsen Consulting can be a game-changer for your business success:

Fresh perspectives and expertise: A consultant brings an outsider’s viewpoint, without the internal biases. Their wealth of experience and expertise in the field ensures you’re benefiting from a deep well of knowledge and strategies that might not be readily apparent from within the organization.

Tailored strategies for growth: Consultants don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. They take the time to understand your unique business needs, challenges, and goals. This allows them to create customised strategies that align with your specific circumstances, optimising your path to growth.

Data-driven decision making: In today’s data-driven world, decisions backed by solid analysis are key. Consultants have the skills to analyse data effectively, enabling you to make informed choices that lead to more successful outcomes.

Fresh ideas and innovation: Marketing consultants bring a wealth of diverse experiences from working with various clients. This exposure to different industries and markets allows them to introduce innovative ideas and strategies that your business may not have considered.

ROI and measurable results: Working with a marketing management consultant is an investment that should get returns. A reputable consultant will provide clear metrics and benchmarks to track progress and measure the impact of their strategies.

In essence, hiring a marketing and management consultant is like having a dedicated partner who brings expertise, innovation, and a fresh perspective to your business.

It’s an investment in your growth, efficiency, and long-term success. A consultant can guide you through challenges, uncover opportunities, and create a roadmap that takes your business to new heights.

Why do you need a strategy for your marketing initiatives?

Having a strategy for your marketing initiatives is like having a blueprint for building a successful business. Here’s why a solid strategy is an absolute must:

Clear direction and focus: A strategy outlines where you’re headed and how to get there. It’s like a roadmap that guides your efforts, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

Targeted audience engagement: A strategy helps you identify and understand your target audience. This means you’re not just shouting into the void; you’re delivering your message to the people who matter most, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Consistent brand image: A strategy maintains consistency across all your marketing channels. This consistency creates a strong and memorable brand image that resonates with your audience.

Measurable results: With a strategy, you set clear objectives and metrics for success. This allows you to measure the impact of your efforts and make informed decisions based on data.

Competitive advantage: A well-crafted strategy allows you to position yourself ahead of competitors. By identifying unique selling points and innovative approaches, you can stand out in a crowded market.

In essence, a strategy is your compass in the world of marketing. It ensures you’re not just working but working smartly and purposefully. It’s a forward-looking plan that empowers you to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and build a brand that stands strong and successful.

Without a strategy, you’re essentially sailing without a map – and that’s a risk few businesses can afford to take.

Is it important to collect and analyse data?

Collecting and analysing data is an absolute game-changer when it comes to Google Ads and social media marketing and advertising. Here’s why it’s so crucial:

Informed decision making: Data is like a crystal ball that reveals what’s working and what’s not. It empowers you to make informed decisions rather than relying on guesswork. By analysing data, you can identify which ad campaigns or social media posts are resonating with your audience and driving results.

Targeted audience insights: Data analysis provides deep insights into your audience’s behaviours, preferences, and demographics. This knowledge is gold – it allows you to tailor your Google Ads campaigns and social media content to match what your audience is looking for.

 Cost efficiency: Running ads and social media campaigns can be costly if not done strategically. Analysing data helps you allocate your budget where it matters most. You can identify which keywords or platforms yield the best results, ensuring your resources are optimised.

Audience personalisation: Google Ads and social media platforms offer robust targeting options. Data analysis allows you to personalise your ads and content to individual preferences, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Real-time optimisation: The beauty of digital marketing is its real-time nature. With data analysis, you don’t have to wait for weeks to see how your campaigns are performing. You can make adjustments on the fly, ensuring your efforts are always aligned with your goals.

Adapting to audience behaviour: Audience behaviour can change rapidly. Data analysis helps you stay attuned to these shifts, allowing you to modify your strategies to match what your audience wants and needs.

Collecting and analysing data is the secret sauce that makes your Google Ads and social media campaigns truly effective. It’s the compass that guides you, the magnifying glass that reveals hidden opportunities, and the mirror that reflects your efforts’ impact.

Without data, you’re essentially navigating in the dark – with data, you’re steering towards a brighter, data-driven future.

Why is it decisive to know your target audience?

The answer to this is short and to the point: 

Knowing your target audience is crucial because it ensures you’re not just throwing messages into the void. Instead, you’re delivering content and products that resonate with the right people, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

It’s like speaking directly to the people who matter most, saving time, money, and effort while maximizing results.

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